I would like to add a few commands to the RPM package (built using sbt-native-packager) for a Play scala project. For example:
mkdir -p /opt/myapp
chmod +w /opt/myapp
so that they can be executed when installing the RPM package via yum.
I saw in a standard sbt project, looks like we could use custom template:
but in a Play project, we have the following folders:
where we don't have src
folder at all.
I would like to know how to add custom commands which can be run before or after installing RPM for a Play project.
I haven't used this functionality of the sbt-native-packager, but I do know that RPM spec files support defining scripts that run in specific events (e.g. %pre - runs just before install).
It looks like sbt-native-package supports this by overriding the maintainerScripts
// overriding
import RpmConstants._
maintainerScripts in Rpm := Map(
Pre -> Seq("""echo "pre-install""""),
Post -> Seq("""echo "post-install""""),
Pretrans -> Seq("""echo "pretrans""""),
Posttrans -> Seq("""echo "posttrans""""),
Preun -> Seq("""echo "pre-uninstall""""),
Postun -> Seq("""echo "post-uninstall"""")
Please note this is only available from 1.1.0+ of sbt-native-package.
There are a couple of other approaches which are detailed in the documentation