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Grand Central Dispatch with Swift: Use of unresolved identifier GCD

Recently I picked up the book Swift High Performance and tried one of the examples concerned with Apple's Grand Central Dispatch (GCD). I put the following code in a Playground file:

import Foundation
//import XCPlayground

class SalesData {

    var revenue: [Int]
    var average: Int?

    init (revenue: [Int]) {
        self.revenue = revenue

    func calculateAverage() {

        let queue = GCD.backgroundQueue()
        dispatch_async(queue) {

        var sum = 0
        for index in self.revenue.indices {
            sum += self.revenue[index]

        self.average = sum / self.revenue.count

Excerpt From: “Swift High Performance.”

However, as can be seen in the attahced sceenshot , XCode tells me that ther is a Use of unresolved identifier GCD. Any idea what I'm missing here?



  • In the book, they define a struct called GCD which provides that method. So you have to look in the book to get the rest of the code that you need for the example.


    This is the GCD struct that the book provides:

    struct GCD {
        static func backgroundQueue() -> dispatch_queue_t {
            return dispatch_get_global_queue (QOS_CLASS_BACKGROUND, 0)

    It appears on the same page as the example posted in the question.