I have a table with OrderNo and ProductCategory. One order can have many order lines. One order can also have different ProductCategories on the lines. The table looks like this:
OrderNo ProductCategory O1 Cat1 O1 Cat2 O1 Cat3 O2 Cat1 O3 Cat4
I would like a calculated column "CalcC" that returns 1 if Cat1 exists for an OrderNo. I want the 1 to be returned for all rows with that OrderNo.
My result table would look like this:
OrderNo ProductCategory CalcC O1 Cat1 1 O1 Cat2 1 O1 Cat3 1 O2 Cat1 1 O3 Cat4 0
If someone can help me achieve this with some DAX syntax, I would be most grateful.
Thank you.
CalcC =
,ALLEXCEPT( 'FactOrder', 'FactOrder'[OrderNo] )
,'FactOrder'[ProductCategory] = "Cat1"
IF() is trivial. ISEMPTY() checks whether a table has 0 or >0 rows. CALCULATETABLE() evaluates a table in argument 1 based on the filter context defined in arguments 2-N. ALLEXCEPT() clears context from the named table, preserving it only on named columns.
Our CALCULATETABLE() returns 'FactOrder' only where [OrderNo] is the same as exists in the calling row context. All filter arguments are combined in a logical and, so in addition to restricting the table to those that share an [OrderNo] with the calling row context, we also restrict it to rows where [ProductCategory] = "Cat1".
If that table is empty, we return 0, else we return 1.