I use the Robot Framework.
On my HTML page I have a simple button. When you click on it, it downloads a PDF file.
How can I check with Robot Framework if the file has been downloaded?
The solution is very browser specific. For Chrome, you can tell Chrome where to download files. Choosing a new folder allows you to monitor the status of the download. Also, since you are downloading a PDF, disabling the PDF plugin is necessary to prevent the PDF from being displayed instead of downloaded. Here is a test that worked on my machine using a simple page and PDF file.
*** Settings ***
Test Teardown Close All Browsers
Library Selenium2Library
Library OperatingSystem
*** Test Cases ***
Download PDF
# create unique folder
${now} Get Time epoch
${download directory} Join Path ${OUTPUT DIR} downloads_${now}
Create Directory ${download directory}
${chrome options}= Evaluate sys.modules['selenium.webdriver'].ChromeOptions() sys, selenium.webdriver
# list of plugins to disable. disabling PDF Viewer is necessary so that PDFs are saved rather than displayed
${disabled} Create List Chrome PDF Viewer
${prefs} Create Dictionary download.default_directory=${download directory} plugins.plugins_disabled=${disabled}
Call Method ${chrome options} add_experimental_option prefs ${prefs}
Create Webdriver Chrome chrome_options=${chrome options}
Goto http://localhost/download.html
Click Link link # downloads a file
# wait for download to finish
${file} Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 1 min 2 sec Download should be done ${download directory}
*** Keywords ***
Download should be done
[Arguments] ${directory}
[Documentation] Verifies that the directory has only one folder and it is not a temp file.
... Returns path to the file
${files} List Files In Directory ${directory}
Length Should Be ${files} 1 Should be only one file in the download folder
Should Not Match Regexp ${files[0]} (?i).*\\.tmp Chrome is still downloading a file
${file} Join Path ${directory} ${files[0]}
Log File was successfully downloaded to ${file}
[Return] ${file}
Contents of download.html:
<html><body><a href="file.pdf" id="link">Click Here</a></body></html>