I built a sample application for dcom by following the steps given in this link.
After building the client and test DCom server, i tried to run client in my system and it worked correctly. But if i try to rum client from remote location, an error message is coming saying "Access is denied".
How can i run my client in remote location?
And also will i able to see the test DCOM Server in dcomcnfg.exe?
If yes where can i see it?
I was able to see it in regedit.
You might well have already done this, but can I just cover some basics...?
Go to the "Component Services" MMC snap-in, right-click on "My Computer" there and select "Properties".
In the "Default Properties" tab, make sure that "Enable Distributed COM on this computer" is enabled.
In the "COM Security" tab, make sure the access, launch and activate permissions are configured to allow the scenario you're in.