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Unable to get comment list in post using gremlin query

I'm having following vertex and edges.

User1 -> create ->Post1
Post1 -> postedOnWall -> User2
User2 -> create ->Comment1
Comment1 -> PostedOnComment -> Post1
User3 -> create -> Comment2
Comment2 -> PostedOnComment -> Post1

User1 created Post1 and Posted it on User2's Wall. Now User2 Created a Comment and posted it on Post1. and User3 also posted comment on same post.

How can I get the list of all post on user's wall along with all comments in each posts.

I'm getting list of post by following query :


Am not able to find any way to get list of comments on each post.


  • Using the select() step gets you pretty close, but I think a transform() might be what you're looking for. I've posted a full Gremlin Console session result in a gist, but the key part is this:

    gremlin> g.V('name','user2').in('PostedOnWall').sort{ a, b -> b.PostedTime <=> a.PostedTime }._().transform{ [post: it.msg, comments:'PostedOnComment').msg.toList()] }
    ==>{post=what is for dinner?, comments=[tacos]}
    ==>{post=hello, comments=[buenos dias, bongiorno]}