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Nancyfx self-hosting cannot stop HttpListener

I have an app, which has a rest-service based on NancyFx and i find it very cool framework. But i have a very big problem with stopping it. My host class looks like this:

public class RestHost : IStartStopAble
    private readonly string _uri;
    private readonly IWindsorContainer _container;
    private NancyHost _host;
    private Thread _wsThread;
    private WindsorBootstrapper _windsorBootstrapper;

    public RestHost(string uri, IWindsorContainer container)
        _uri = uri;
        _container = container;

    public void Start()
        var uri = new Uri(_uri);

        _windsorBootstrapper = new WindsorBootstrapper(_container);
        _host = new NancyHost(uri, _windsorBootstrapper);


    public void Stop()

AS you can see, i use windsor along with Nancy. Everything works great, i call Start, Stop and constructor from main thread, but when i Dispose my host i catch this:

 HttpListener: HttpListenerException: The I/O operation has been aborted because of either a thread exit or an application request

exception. I found this paper: but i use main thread and don't understand how can i "Save" the thread, in which HttpListener is created and, also, how can i pass it to Nancy.

I'll be very gratefull for any help, still i don't even know, what can i do with HttpListener exception in core of .Net framework.


  • You may remember the SynchronizationContext:

    public void Start()
        // init _host ...
        _syncContext = SynchronizationContext.Current;
    public void Stop()
        if (_syncContext == SynchronizationContext.Current)
            _syncContext.Post((state) =>
            , null);