I am using Tim Pope's Sexp Mappings For Regular People
I want to remap the slurp and barf commands that are currently bound to: >) and <) to: ctrl-alt right arrow and ctrl-alt left arrow -
I am using a Mac
How do I do this?
Tim's plugin doesn't allow further customization (and as the sexp-plugin defines buffer-local mappings, this isn't that trivial), so you have the following options:
from Tim. Normally, this is a bad idea, but as these just provide remappings that presumably are quite stable, it may be fine for you.In any case, you'd need the following commands:
nmap <buffer> <C-A-Right> <Plug>(sexp_emit_head_element)
nmap <buffer> <C-A-Left> <Plug>(sexp_emit_tail_element)
Note that Ctrl + Alt + cursor keys may work in the GUI version, but probably not in terminal Vim.