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Why do I get error when I run my xaction file in PUC (Pentaho User Console)?

I get the below error when I run my xaction file in PUC (Pentaho User Console)

The Pentaho BI Platform reported an error while running an action sequence
Possible Causes:
ActionValidationException: RuntimeContext.ERROR_0035 - Action validation failed.
Action Sequence:farzan.xaction
Execution Stack:
EXECUTING ACTION: looking for the current user (KettleComponent)
Loop Index:N/A

I have attached xaction, ktr and database at:


  • It seems that your xaction file is throwing errors. Best way to find out your errors is to go search the log files. The path would be inside the BA Server: /pentaho/server/biserver-ee/pentaho-solutions/logs/.. There you will find log file. Check the error that is written in the logs.

    [Also to note, from version 5 onwards, xaction support has been removed from the Pentaho releases.]

    Hope this helps:)