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Backbone.js render collection view from static JSON

I try to build a simple music library to learn Backbone.js. Evrything worked fine until I tried to load the data from a JSON file (instead of inline javascript object).

Here is my Javascript :


    var myMusic = {
        Models : {},
        Collections : {},
        Views : {},
        Routers : {}

    // Model
    myMusic.Models.Album = Backbone.Model.extend({
        default: {
            title : null,
            artist : null,
            cover : null,
            publicationYear : null

        initialize: function(){
            console.log("Creation of the album " + this.get('title') + " from the artist " + this.get('artist'));

    // Collection
    myMusic.Collections.Albums = Backbone.Collection.extend({
        model : myMusic.Models.Album,
        url : "albums.json",
        initialize : function(){
            console.log("New collection created");

    // Collection instance
    var albumsCollection = new myMusic.Collections.Albums();

    // Collection view
    myMusic.Views.albums = Backbone.View.extend({

        el: $("#albumsList"),

        initialize: function() {
            this.template = _.template($("#albumTemplate").html());

        render: function () {
            this.$el.html(this.template({ albums: albumsCollection.toJSON() }));
            return this;

    // Collection view instance
    var albumsView = new myMusic.Views.albums({ collection : albumsCollection });


The HTML part :

    <div class="albumsListWrapper">

        <script type="text/template" id="albumTemplate">
            <% _.each(albums, function(album) { %>
                        <h1><%= album.title %></h1>
                        <h2><%= album.artist %></h2>
                        <h3><%= album.publicationYear %></h3>
                    <figure><img src="<%= album.cover %>" alt="<%= album.title %>" /></figure>
            <% }); %>

        <div id="albumsList" class="albumsList"></div>


And my JSON file :

        "title" : "Gish",
        "artist" : "Smashing Pumpkins",
        "cover" : "",
        "publicationYear" : 1991
        "title" : "Siamese dream",
        "artist" : "Smashing Pumpkins",
        "cover" : "",
        "publicationYear" : 1993
        "title" : "Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness",
        "artist" : "Smashing Pumpkins",
        "cover" : "",
        "publicationYear" : 1995
        "title" : "Adore",
        "artist" : "Smashing Pumpkins",
        "cover" : "",
        "publicationYear" : 1998
        "title" : "Machina/The Machines of God",
        "artist" : "Smashing Pumpkins",
        "cover" : "",
        "publicationYear" : 2000
        "title" : "Machina II",
        "artist" : "Smashing Pumpkins",
        "cover" : "",
        "publicationYear" : 2000
        "title" : "Zeitgeist",
        "artist" : "Smashing Pumpkins",
        "cover" : "",
        "publicationYear" : 2007
        "title" : "Oceania",
        "artist" : "Smashing Pumpkins",
        "cover" : "",
        "publicationYear" : 2012
        "title" : "Monuments to an Elegy",
        "artist" : "Smashing Pumpkins",
        "cover" : "",
        "publicationYear" : 2014

The issue seems to be located on the albumsCollection object. When I console.log it, it's empty :(

Any ideas ?


  • I think your problem comes from the fact that albums are not loaded yet when you render your view. You could listen to "sync" event to avoid that.

    myMusic.Views.albums = Backbone.View.extend({
      el: $("#albumsList"),
      initialize: function () {
        this.template = _.template($("#albumTemplate")
      onSync:function () {
        //other logic
      render: function () {
          albums: this.collection.toJSON()
        return this;

    you should also avoid using external reference to your album collection inside your view and use the internal property this.collection instead of albumsCollection in render() method.