I am using a table edit switch, which I want to integrate to Symfony. This is the script I am talking about: LINK
Now this script sends requests that I am able to receive in symfony.
<a href="#" id="Username" data-type="text" data-pk="1" data-url="/post/table1" data-title="Enter username">superuser</a>
Receiver (/post)
if($table == "table1"){
$repo = "AppBundle:Table1";
/* Get correct repo/entry */
$repo = $em->getRepository($repo)->find($request->get('pk'));
That is somehow untested but should work I guess.
Now I want to update the according column, which is sent by id="Username"
What I'd like to achieve now is something like this: (I know this won't work)
I could use a switch, but that needs to be quite large then.
Any other approach to this?
PS: I know it is not very safe to send values like this, but it's only for personal use.
If you want call a setter from your request value, the following code will work :
$setter = 'set'.$request->request->get('id'); // is now equal to 'setUsername'
$repo->$setter('blabla'); // Assuming $repo is the entity retrieved by find();
Also, there is a clean way to do that is symfony called PropertyAccess, you just need the name of the property you want set/get .
Example :
use Symfony\Component\PropertyAccess\PropertyAccessor;
// ...
$accessor = PropertyAccess::createPropertyAccessor();
// If the property 'username' is writable, set it
if ($accessor->isWritable($repo, 'username') {
$accessor->setValue($repo, $request->request->get('id'), 'blabla');