I've been having issues writing process memory, viewing sources online I've tried to compile the way Cheat Engine does it.
BOOLEAN fWriteProcessMemory(ULONG PID, PEPROCESS PEProcess, PVOID Address, ULONG Size, PVOID Buffer)
PEPROCESS selectedprocess = PEProcess;
KAPC_STATE apc_state;
if (selectedprocess == NULL)
if (!NT_SUCCESS(PsLookupProcessByProcessId((PVOID)(UINT_PTR)PID, &selectedprocess)))
return FALSE;
UINT_PTR temp = (UINT_PTR)Address;
RtlZeroMemory(&apc_state, sizeof(apc_state));
char* target;
char* source;
unsigned int i;
target = Address;
source = Buffer;
for (i = 0; i<Size; i++)
target[i] = source[i];
return NT_SUCCESS(ntStatus);
Though issues were risen upon calling it which was causing a BSOD every time target[i] = source[i];
It may be that I was inputting incorrect 'Address'/'Size'/'Buffer' yet here is my configuration:
fWriteProcessMemory(GlobalProcessID, GlobalProcessPE, (PVOID)(*(ULONG*)pBuf), sizeof(ULDat), (PVOID)ULDat)
Having ULDat as the memory to be written (ULONG), pBuf which is Irp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer as the memory address to be written to.
Any help would be appreciated, thank you.
if ULDat = 6969
then (PVOID)ULDat is a pointer to a memory location address 6969 (or 0x1b39 hexa), then in your loop, source[i] is trying to pick a char from address (0x1b39 + i), which is why it BSODs.
So yes, use &ULDat there, that's the solution.