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Use of Sitemesh in Grails 3

I'm migrating a set of grails 2.0.4 applications to version 3.x. All of them are deployed in the same server together with a number of java applications. Both sets of java and grails applications have a common look and feel using sitemesh and freemarker templates. But with grails 3.x I can't make the commond decoration work, the application insists in using layouts/main.gsp to render my gsp instead.

So far (grails 2.0.4) providing a common decoration is rather straight; the file /WEB-INF/decorators.xml of each grails application provides with references to the applicable freemarker templates. And the web.xml includes the sitemesh filter and the freemarker decorator servlet declarations and mappings


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<decorators defaultdir="/">
     <decorator name="freemarker" page="myftl.ftl">

Sitemesh filter and freemarker servlet from web.xml:


What I've tried:

  • I've moved the decorators.xml under src/main/webapp/WEB-INF
  • In grails 3.x sitemesh filter is not present anymore and so, I've removed sitemesh.xml
  • web.xml is not used, so now I've defined the freemarker servlet at spring/resources.groovy:


beans = {
    sitemeshFreemarkerServlet(ServletRegistrationBean) {
        servlet = bean(FreemarkerDecoratorServlet)
        urlMappings = ["*.ftl"]
        loadOnStartup = 2

However, the grails 3.x applications insists in using layouts/main.gsp to render my gsp pages. It seems that decorators.xml is not being processed. What am I missing?


  • Maybe is a ugly hack, but you could superpose your sitemesh processing to grails one:

    • Register a custom sitemesh filter in Application class (or spring/resources.groovy) :
        FilterRegistrationBean sitemeshFilterRegistrationBean() {
            FilterRegistrationBean reg=new FilterRegistrationBean()
            reg.setFilter(new MySitemeshFilter());
            return reg;
    • The sitemesh config must not be the default one, cause grails continues reading it
    • Register the freemarker servlet to proccess ftl's:
        ServletRegistrationBean freeMarkerServletRegistrationBean(){
            ServletRegistrationBean reg=new ServletRegistrationBean(new 
            reg.addInitParameter("TemplatePath", "class://");
            reg.addInitParameter("default_encoding", "UTF-8");
            // etc
            return reg;
    • Add the custom sitemesh filter:
    import com.opensymphony.module.sitemesh.Config;
    import com.opensymphony.module.sitemesh.Factory
    import com.opensymphony.module.sitemesh.factory.DefaultFactory;
    import com.opensymphony.sitemesh.ContentProcessor;
    import com.opensymphony.sitemesh.DecoratorSelector;
    import com.opensymphony.sitemesh.compatability.DecoratorMapper2DecoratorSelector;
    import com.opensymphony.sitemesh.webapp.SiteMeshWebAppContext;
    import grails.util.Holders;
    import javax.servlet.FilterConfig
    class MySitemeshFilter extends com.opensymphony.sitemesh.webapp.SiteMeshFilter {
        private static final String MY_SITEMESH_FACTORY = "my.sitemesh.factory";
        private FilterConfig filterConfig;
        public void init(FilterConfig filterConfig) {
            filterConfig.getServletContext().setAttribute("grailsApplication", Holders.grailsApplication);
        protected Factory getFactory(FilterConfig filterConfig) {
            Config config=new Config(filterConfig)
            Factory f=(Factory)config.getServletContext().getAttribute(MY_SITEMESH_FACTORY);
            if (f==null) {
                f=new DefaultFactory(config);
                config.getServletContext().setAttribute(MY_SITEMESH_FACTORY, f);
            return f;
        protected DecoratorSelector initDecoratorSelector(SiteMeshWebAppContext webAppContext) {
            Factory factory = getFactory(filterConfig);
            return new DecoratorMapper2DecoratorSelector(factory.getDecoratorMapper());
    • In this filter you have to override the decorator selector in a new sitemesh factory, cause the default one is a singleton (sic) and grails already registered it for its internal gsp proccesing
    • You should not have to override the content proccesor (initContentProcessor method), to let grails proccess gsp's with the default sitemesh factory
    • If you want to get more features (like excluded patterns) you will need to override the entire doFilter method to use your new contentProcessor in contentProcessor.handles(webAppContext)
    • Add your my.sitemesh.xml and decorators.xml in src/main/webapp/WEB-INF
    • I've added grailsApplication to servlet context in the filter initialization so you can use it in ftl templates
    • If you want to skip some layouts, add conditions by environment in the internal grails layout