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OR style permissions for DjangoRestFramework

I'm wondering if anyone has found a good way to reverse the way permissions work in DRF (use OR instead of AND). Right now, if any of the checks fail, the request is not authenticated. I would like a way to make it so that if any of the checks pass, the request is authenticated. ie.

# currently:
permission_classes=(HasNiceHat, HasNicePants)

Request will fail for anyone with a nice hat and pants. What I would like:

# goal:
AND_permission_classes=(HasNiceHat, HasNicePants)

Will succeed if user has nice hat or nice pants.

I will assume that all users are logged in (must be for either check to pass), and that implementation of the permission is not limited in any way.


  • Can you just create your own permission class and use that? For example:

    from rest_framework import permissions
    class HasNiceHatOrHasNicePants(permissions.BasePermission):
        Permission to check if user has a Nice Hat or has Nice Pants.
        If both are False do not return anything.
        def has_permission(self, request, view):
            if request.user.has_nicehat() or request.user.has_nicepants():
                return True

    Then, import this new class into your view, and use it like this:

    permission_classes = (HasNiceHatOrHasNicePants,)

    It looks like rest_condition has the functionality that you need