I'm attempting to allow a DataGridView to allow the user to edit fields (for simplicity's sake, let's say it's just Items, each of which can have a Condition, with allowable values taken from a second table [Conditions]
My Grid should look like:
Item # Qty Condition
123456 10 [ New v] <-- A drop-down
234567 55 [ Used v]
345678 99 [ New v]
I'm attempting to set this up by:
Binding the grid to the first Items table (grabbing the first three columns which contain the actual values of each line of the Items table)
Creating a new DataGridViewComboBoxColumn ("CondCombo") and binding all allowable items from the Conditions table to it,
Looping through the grid and setting the value of CondCombo for each row to the value of the Conditions row
Hiding the Conditions (text) column.
I'm able to get the column added and loaded with Conditions values, but I'm utterly failing at setting the selected value to match the Condition from the Items table; furthermore, any selections I'm making in a combo is being blanked the moment I tab or click to another cell.
Here's the code I've got so far: any help would be HUGELY appreciated!
Sub SetupGrid(byref myGrid as DataGridView,
myConn as sqlite.sqliteConnection)
Dim myAdapter As System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteDataAdapter
myGrid.VirtualMode = true
myAdapter = new system.data.sqlite.sqliteadapter(_
"Select ID, ItemNum, Qty, Condition FROM Items", myConn)
myAdapter.SelectCommand.CommandType = CommandType.Text
' Fill the main grid with the item data
dim ds as new DataSet
myGrid.DataSource = ds.Tables(0)
' Now create and load the ComboBox column
dim cboColumn as new DataGridViewComboBoxColumn
With cboColumn
.DataPropertyName = "ConditionAbbrev"
.name = "CondCombo"
.HeaderText = "Cond"
' Bind the ComboColumn
Dim conditionsAdapter As System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteDataAdapter
Dim condTable As DataTable
using cmd as new Sqlite.sqliteCommand(_
"SELECT ConditionAbbrev FROM Conditions", myconn)
conditionsAdapter.selectCommand = cmd
end using
.DataSource = condTable
.DataPropertyName = "ConditionAbbrev"
.ValueMember = "ConditionAbbrev"
.DisplayMember = .ValueMember
end with
' Set the selected combo member to be the same as the Condition (text) field value:
for each curRow as dataGridViewrow in myGrid.Rows()
curRow.cells("CondCombo").value = _
' Hide the Condition (text) field)
myGrid.Columns("Condition").visible = false
' Hide the ID field
myGrid.Columns("ID").visible = false
end sub
You're setting the DataPropertyName
incorrectly. You bind one list to the grid and one to the column. The DisplayMember
and ValueMember
are names of columns/properties of the items bound to the column. The DataPropertyName
is the name of a column/property of the items bound to the grid. In your case, it looks to me like DataPropertyName
should be set to "Condition".