Search code examples

simpleCursorAdapter cannot display cursor

I want to retrieve data from DB. And in my In my DBAdapter, I use fetchAllBooks method to get a cursor:

 public Cursor fetchAllBooks()
        String selectQuery = "SELECT " + TABLE_TITLE + "." + KEY_TITLE_ID + " As _id, "
                + KEY_TITLE + ", " + KEY_PRICE + ", " + KEY_ISBN
                +", GROUP_CONCAT(" + KEY_AUTHOR + ", ', ') AS authors"
                + " FROM " + TABLE_TITLE + " JOIN " + TABLE_AUTHOR
                + " USING (" + KEY_TITLE_ID + ")"
                + " GROUP BY " + KEY_TITLE_ID;
        Cursor c = db.rawQuery(selectQuery, null);
        return c;

In the main activity , I use fillData method to fill the ListView:

private void fillData() {

    Cursor c = db.fetchAllBooks();
    Log.d("count", c.getCount() + "");// could display the number of book. such as: count: 2; --- means cursor have 2 row(books)
    if(c.moveToFirst()) {
        do {
            Log.d("title", BookContract.getTitle(c)); // could display the title of each book;
    String[] from = new String[] {BookContract.KEY_TITLE, BookContract.KEY_AUTHORS};
    int[] to = new int[] {,};

    adapter = new SimpleCursorAdapter(this, R.layout.cart, c, from, to, 0);

As you see, the LogCat could display the content of cursor. it means that I retrieve the cursor successfully. However, the listView cannot display the book title and the authors. I do not use any db.close() or cursor.close() in my code.

the cart_row.xml which represent each row item in the list view.And the cart.xml which contain a list view:

Thanks in advance.


  • I manage to answer my own question. A little funny...

    please pay more attention to this sentence:

    the cart_row.xml which represent each row item in the list view. And the cart.xml which contain a list view:

    The simpleCursorAdapter need cart_row.xml instead of cart.xml. So change simpleCursorAdapter to:

    adapter = new SimpleCursorAdapter(this, R.layout.cart_row, c, from, to, 0);