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Filemaker Pro advanced Set field, perform find.

Im writing a script to find records. Since some of my find criteria is in global fields etc... Im

going to layout Enter find mode set fields

thats no problem, but I need to set a field that has multiple criteria, like or..I tried a few things but not nailing it. Something like below is what I need. I need Out date records with the >= global start date or null

Set Field [table::OutDate; ">=" & global::G_Start or "="

any help is appreciated..


  • A date field >= global date or null.

    An OR find requires two (or more) find requests. If you're scripting this, then do:

    Enter Find Mode[]
    Set Field [ table::OutDate ; ">=" & global::G_Start ]
    New Record/Request
    Set Field [ table::OutDate ; "=" ]
    Perform Find[]

    Note: there's no need to set any variables - global fields remain accessible in Find mode.