I'm trying a simple Gamma GLM in STAN and R, but it crashes immediately
generate data:
N<-500 #sample size
#the model
K<-dim(X)[2] #number of regression params
#the regression slopes
shape <- 10
#simulate gamma data
this is my STAN model:
model_string <- "
data {
int<lower=0> N; //the number of observations
int<lower=0> K; //the number of columns in the model matrix
matrix[N,K] X; //the model matrix
vector[N] y; //the response
parameters {
vector[K] betas; //the regression parameters
real<lower=0, upper=1000> shape; //the shape parameter
model {
y ~ gamma(shape, (shape/exp(X * betas)));
when I run this model, R immediately crashes:
m <- stan(model_code = model_string, data = list(X=X, K=3, N=500, y=y), chains = 1, cores=1)
update : I think the problem is somewhere in the vectorization as I can get a running model where I pass every column of X as a vector.
update2: this also works
for(i in 1:N)
y[i] ~ gamma(shape, (shape / exp(X[i,] * betas)));
The problem with the original code is that there is no operator currently defined in Stan for a scalar divided by a vector. In this case,
shape / exp(X * betas)
You might be able to do
shape[1:N] ./ exp(X * betas)
or failing that,
(shape * ones_vector) ./ exp(X * betas)