Say I have a function How do i set the property on the record
public void SetProperty<TRecord, TEnum>(TRecord item,
Func<TRecord, TEnum> property, string enumValue )
where TEnum : struct
where TRecord : class
TEnum enumType;
if (Enum.TryParse(enumValue, true, out enumType))
//How Do I set this?
property.Invoke(item) = enumType;
I'd prefer not to switch this to an expression. Does anybody know how to set the property?
public void SetProperty<TRecord, TEnum>(TRecord item,
Action<TRecord, TEnum> property, string enumValue)
where TEnum : struct
where TRecord : class
TEnum enumType;
if (Enum.TryParse(enumValue, true, out enumType))
property(item, enumType);
better way...
public TEnum? AsEnum<TEnum>(string enumValue)
where TEnum : struct
TEnum enumType;
if (Enum.TryParse(enumValue, true, out enumType))
return enumType;
return default(TEnum);
usage examples...
myObj.Prop = AsEnum<MyEnum>("value") ?? MyEnum.Default;
SetPropery<MyObject, MyEnum>(myobj, (r, e) => r.Prop = e, "value");