I'm creating a Drag and Drop game using AS3, i want to check when a apart of a Movieclip is outside the screen to move the View behind and let the user choose where to drop it.
I cant' test if the MovieClip credentials are bigger that the stage (scaleMode = NO_SCALE) Width/Height, because there is a part of the stage that it's hidden behind the browser window.
It's the same aspect as MOUSE_LEAVE just this time it has to be for MovieClips, i tried to see the code behind MOUSE_LEAVE but i couldn't reach it.
Thank You.
[SWF(width='800', height='800',backgroundColor='#CC99FF', frameRate='60')]
public class DragTest extends Sprite
public function DragTest()
addChild(new World(this));
this.stage.scaleMode = "noScale";
this.stage.align = "TL";
public class World extends Container // Container from my SWC
private var _display:Sprite;
private var _dragPt:Point;
private var _dragedObject:MovieClip;
public function World(display:Sprite)
_display = display;
myMC.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, onPickUp, false, 0, true );
display.stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, onDrop, false, 0, true );
display.stage.addEventListener(Event.MOUSE_LEAVE, onMouseLeave, false, 0, true );
protected function onMouseLeave(event:Event):void
trace("Mouse Is Leaving The Stage");
protected function onDrop(e:MouseEvent):void
_display.stage.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, onMoveObject);
private function onPickUp(e:MouseEvent)
_dragedObject = e.currentTarget as MovieClip;
_display.stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, onMoveObject, false, 0, true);
protected function onMoveObject(e:MouseEvent):void
var point:Point = new Point(_display.stage.mouseX, _display.stage.mouseY);
(_dragedObject as MovieClip).x = point.x;
(_dragedObject as MovieClip).y = point.y;
Here is an Example : Simple Code
The easiest approach would probably be to use getBounds(stage)
and compare with stageWidth
and stageHeight
var bounds:Rectangle = _draggedObject.getBounds(stage);
if (bounds.left < 0) {
// left part of object is off-screen
} else if (bounds.right > stage.stageWidth) {
// right part of object is off-screen
if (bounds.top < 0) {
// top part of object is offscreen
} else if (bounds.bottom > stage.stageHeight) {
// bottom part of object is off-screen
You could move the display
in each of these cases.