foreach (var item in Model.PublishedSong.RelatedSongs.Select((value, i) => new { value, i }) ?? Enumerable.Empty <dynamic>())
Related Songs may or may not be null, is there any way to use null coalescing operator here? I still get the error message:
value cannot be null
If RelatedSongs
is null, calling Select
on it will throw a NullReferenceException, because the null coalescing operator is evaluated only after the left-hand side is resolved. And since resolving the left hand side results in an exception, it won't do you any good.
If you're using C# 6.0, you can use the Null Propagation operator - ?.
- to call Select only if RelatedSongs
isn't null, and use the Null Coalescing operator otherwise:
// This will return null if Relatedsongs is null, or call Select otherwise.
foreach (var item in Model.PublishedSong.RelatedSongs?.Select((value, i) => new { value, i })
?? Enumerable.Empty <dynamic>())
If you're using C# 5 or earlier, you'll have to check for null manually:
foreach (var item in Model.PublishedSong.RelatedSongs != null
? Model.PublishedSong.RelatedSongs.Select((value, i) => new { value, i })
: Enumerable.Empty <dynamic>())