Help me clarify terminology regarding the HTTP API.
Gateway URL and endpoints are the same thing, correct?
This is just the place to make a GET or POST call, correct?
Now for my question. It seams for each of the eBay API has its own gateway. The Shopping API gate way is
... and so on.
Is this correct? or am I misunderstanding something.
Yes, the end point is the gateway. Each API has its own endpoint/gateway url. You would think that eBay would name their endpoints with the schema you provided, but they didn't. You will need to click on "Making a Call" after selecting the API you want the endpoint for in the documentation.
Here is the endpoint documentation for the Trading API, Shopping API, and Finding API.
Also you should know that not every endpoint is going to require the same info. For the trading API you are going to need a Token from the seller as well as your APP ID, whereas the shopping and trading API only needs the APP ID.