Here is what I have: - iOS app called VacationSpots (.APP file)
app dSYM file
dynamic framework named VSUtilities (.framework file)
dynamic framework dSYM file
Here is the sample project source code:
I made the app crash at launch by force unwrapping a nil optional.
Below is part of the symbolicated crash report. Notice that VSUtilities calls are not symbolicated:
Thread 0 name: Dispatch queue:
Thread 0 Crashed:
0 libswiftCore.dylib 0x00333470 0x1d1000 + 1451120
1 VSUtilities 0x001c0bd8 0x1b9000 + 31704
2 VacationSpots 0x0007a418 SpotsViewController.awakeFromNib() -> () (SpotsViewController.swift:38)
3 VacationSpots 0x0007a4b8 @objc SpotsViewController.awakeFromNib() -> () (SpotsViewController.swift:0)
4 UIKit 0x2940036a -[UINib instantiateWithOwner:options:] + 1910
5 UIKit 0x29641818 -[UIStoryboard instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier:] + 196
6 UIKit 0x2964197a -[UIStoryboard instantiateInitialViewController] + 58
7 UIKit 0x291f8ea0 -[UIApplication _loadMainStoryboardFileNamed:bundle:] + 84
8 UIKit 0x28fccebc -[UIApplication _loadMainInterfaceFile] + 260
9 UIKit 0x291f7d80 -[UIApplication _runWithMainScene:transitionContext:completion:] + 1256
10 UIKit 0x2920bb9c __84-[UIApplication _handleApplicationActivationWithScene:transitionContext:completion:]_block_invoke3228 + 36
11 UIKit 0x291f53aa -[UIApplication workspaceDidEndTransaction:] + 134
12 FrontBoardServices 0x26100c7e -[FBSSerialQueue _performNext] + 230
13 FrontBoardServices 0x26100f70 -[FBSSerialQueue _performNextFromRunLoopSource] + 48
15 CoreFoundation 0x24ddf27c __CFRunLoopDoSources0 + 452
16 CoreFoundation 0x24ddd5ea __CFRunLoopRun + 794
17 CoreFoundation 0x24d30bf8 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 520
18 CoreFoundation 0x24d309e4 CFRunLoopRunInMode + 108
19 UIKit 0x28fc65bc -[UIApplication _run] + 524
20 UIKit 0x28fc0ba0 UIApplicationMain + 144
21 VacationSpots 0x00081d4c main (AppDelegate.swift:26)
22 libdyld.dylib 0x249df872 start + 2
Here is part of the symbolicatecrash
command output:
Finding Symbols:
.fetching symbol file for VSUtilities--[undef]
Searching []...-- NO MATCH
Searching in Spotlight for dsym with UUID of 9acae8d3326233adaaea24609e951306
Running mdfind "com_apple_xcode_dsym_uuids == 9ACAE8D3-3262-33AD-AAEA-24609E951306"
Running mdls -name com_apple_xcode_dsym_paths \/Users\/maxkorytko\/Library\/Developer\/Xcode\/DerivedData\/VacationSpots\-citeoysntsbhwwfzcqytfuzhnqze\/Build\/Products\/Debug\-iphoneos\/VSUtilities\.framework\.dSYM
@dsym_paths = ( /Users/maxkorytko/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/VacationSpots-citeoysntsbhwwfzcqytfuzhnqze/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos/VSUtilities.framework.dSYM/Contents/Resources/DWARF/VSUtilities )
@exec_names = ( VSUtilities )
Running mdfind "kMDItemContentType == && (kMDItemAlternateNames == '' || kMDItemDisplayName == 'VSUtilities' || kMDItemDisplayName == '')"
Running mdfind "kMDItemContentType == public.unix-executable && kMDItemDisplayName == 'VSUtilities'"
Did not find executable for dsym
## Warning: Can't find any unstripped binary that matches version of /var/mobile/Containers/Bundle/Application/BE14C237-9798-4030-9806-11F3386A0077/
..fetching symbol file for VacationSpots--[undef]
Searching []...-- NO MATCH
Searching in Spotlight for dsym with UUID of d2731d399b5132329532fea91df1ca19
Running mdfind "com_apple_xcode_dsym_uuids == D2731D39-9B51-3232-9532-FEA91DF1CA19"
Running mdls -name com_apple_xcode_dsym_paths \/Users\/maxkorytko\/Library\/Developer\/Xcode\/DerivedData\/VacationSpots\-citeoysntsbhwwfzcqytfuzhnqze\/Build\/Products\/Debug\-iphoneos\/VacationSpots\.app\.dSYM
@dsym_paths = ( /Users/maxkorytko/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/VacationSpots-citeoysntsbhwwfzcqytfuzhnqze/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos/ )
@exec_names = ( VacationSpots )
Running mdfind "kMDItemContentType == && (kMDItemAlternateNames == '' || kMDItemDisplayName == 'VacationSpots' || kMDItemDisplayName == '')"
Running mdfind "kMDItemContentType == public.unix-executable && kMDItemDisplayName == 'VacationSpots'"
Running /Applications/ -info '/Users/maxkorytko/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/VacationSpots-citeoysntsbhwwfzcqytfuzhnqze/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos/'
Running /Applications/ -arch armv7 -l '/Users/maxkorytko/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/VacationSpots-citeoysntsbhwwfzcqytfuzhnqze/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos/'
Number of symbols in /Users/maxkorytko/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/VacationSpots-citeoysntsbhwwfzcqytfuzhnqze/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos/ 335 + 2081 = 2416
Found executable /Users/maxkorytko/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/VacationSpots-citeoysntsbhwwfzcqytfuzhnqze/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos/
Faced something similar today. There were two problems in my case:
.framework inside .app would not get "indexed enough"/get all the metadata for mdfind, like kMDItemDisplayName, unless I moved it out of .app.
symbolicatecrash was using mdfind with "kMDItemContentType == public.unix-executable", while the real kMDItemContentType for my framework executable was "".
Solved it by:
Moving .framework out of .app (in my case I moved all the stuff to Desktop, to be sure that it will be indexed correctly)
Modifying (copy of) symbolicatecrash to look not only for "kMDItemContentType == public.unix-executable" but for "kMDItemContentType =="
P.S. You can use mdls to get the indexed metadata attributes of a file:
MacBook-Pro-GE:~ eg$ mdls -name kMDItemContentType ~/Desktop/OPASAppKit.framework/OPASAppKit
kMDItemContentType = ""
As for modified version of symbolicatecrash, I'm not sure whether I can post it here as is, but here's a diff, there's just a single line that's changed.
Btw, it looks like Xcode uses symbolicatecrash for symbolicating as well, so patching the script inside Xcode allowed me to symbolicate crashes with custom dynamic frameworks there too.