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C++ copy costructor

Im trying to get a good grasp with copy constructors & I've found this part of code.

    using namespace std;
    class A1 {
        int data;
        A1(int i = 10) :
                data(i) {
            cout << "I am constructing an A1 with: " << i << endl;
        A1(const A1& a1) :
                data( {
            cout << "I am copy constructing an A1" << endl;
        ~A1() {
            cout << "I am destroying an A1 with: " << data << endl;
        void change() {
            data = data * 10;
    class A2 {
        int data;
        A2(int i = 20) :
                data(i) {
            cout << "I am constructing an A2 with: " << i << endl;
        A2(const A2& a2) :
                data( {
            cout << "I am copy constructing an A2" << endl;
        ~A2() {
            cout << "I am destroying an A2 with: " << data << endl;
        void change() {
            data = data * 20;
    class A3 {
        A3() {
            cout << "I am constructing an A3" << endl;
        A3(const A3& a3) {
            cout << "I am copy constructing an A3" << endl;
        ~A3() {
            cout << "I am destroying an A3" << endl;
        void change() {
            cout << "Nothing to change" << endl;
    class A {
        A1 a1;
        A2 a2;
        A3 a3;
        A() {
            cout << "I am constructing an A" << endl;
        A(const A& a) :
                a1(a.a1) {
            cout << "I am copy constructing an A" << endl;
        ~A() {
            cout << "I am destroying an A" << endl;
        A& operator=(const A& a) {
            cout << "I am performing a stupid assignment between As" << endl;
            if (this != &a)
                a1 = a.a1;
            return *this;
        void change() {
    class BigA {
        A data1;
        A& data2;
        BigA(A& a) :
                data1(a), data2(a) {
            cout << "I just constructed a BigA" << endl;
        ~BigA() {
            cout << "I am destroying a BigA" << endl;
        A get(int index) {
            if (index == 1)
                return data1;
                return data2;
        BigA volta(BigA& biga)
     //BigA& volta(BigA& biga)
        cout << "Volta ta data?" << endl;
        return biga;
    int main() {
        A first;
        BigA biga(first);
        return 0;

However,I can't understand why I get these results.Especially,why A1 and A copy constructor are called and not constructor and I don't get at all when volta function is called(The results enclosed by ****) :

I am constructing an A1 with: 10
I am constructing an A2 with: 20
I am constructing an A3
I am constructing an A
I am copy constructing an A1
I am constructing an A2 with: 20
I am constructing an A3
I am copy constructing an A
I just constructed a BigA
Volta ta data?
I am copy constructing an A1
I am constructing an A2 with: 20
I am constructing an A3
I am copy constructing an A
I am copy constructing an A1
I am constructing an A2 with: 20
I am constructing an A3
I am copy constructing an A
Nothing to change
I am destroying an A
I am destroying an A3
I am destroying an A2 with: 400
I am destroying an A1 with: 100
I am destroying a BigA
I am destroying an A
I am destroying an A3
I am destroying an A2 with: 20
I am destroying an A1 with: 10
I am destroying a BigA
I am destroying an A
I am destroying an A3
I am destroying an A2 with: 20
I am destroying an A1 with: 10
I am destroying an A
I am destroying an A3
I am destroying an A2 with: 20
I am destroying an A1 with: 10

EDIT_AssignmentOperatorQuery : If I add this function in BigA

void change() {
    A& rdata1 = data1;
    A cdata2 = data2;

and call it from main : biga.change(); Why instead of the default assignment operator , the copy-constructor and constructor is being called and I get

I am copy constructing an A1
I am constructing an A2 with: 20
I am constructing an A3
I am copy constructing an A

EDIT_AnsweringMyOwnQuery : I just found out that this is initialization by copy constructor and not assignment by assignment operator.


  • Let's start with it.

    A first;

    You create A object, its fields (non-static members) are initialized

    "Before the compound statement that forms the function body of the constructor begins executing, initialization of all direct bases, virtual bases, and non-static data members is finished."

    I am constructing an A1 with: 10
    I am constructing an A2 with: 20
    I am constructing an A3

    And your version of constructor without parameters is being called:

    I am constructing an A

    When you write

    BigA biga(first);

    one of your BigA constructors is invoked. It takes a reference to A object, so, first is not copied (reference is set when providing a value).

    Then, member initializer lists time comes,

    BigA(A& a) :
                data1(a), data2(a)

    and data1 is of type A, the first object is copied (it is referenced here as a)

    A new A object is created by its own copy constructor. At first, it calles copy constructor for A1,

    A(const A& a) :
    I am copy constructing an A1

    Then, A's a2 and a3 fields are default-initialized.

    I am constructing an A2 with: 20
    I am constructing an A3 

    The body of copy constructor for A1 is executed then:

    I am copy constructing an A

    Let's return to BigA initialization. We spoke about data1 initialization until now, and now the time for A& data2:

    BigA(A& a) :
                data1(a), data2(a)

    As it is reference, and the reference being passed to initialize it, it is just an assignment, no output.

    BigA constructor (that takes A&) body is executed then:

    I just constructed a BigA

    Now, we would try to clarify what happens on


    This function is being called:

    BigA volta(BigA& biga)
        cout << "Volta ta data?" << endl;
        return biga;

    Again, pass by reference results in no copy constructor call.

    We have function body being executed:

    "Volta ta data?"

    The function returns unnamed object of class BigA, so copy constructor should be called.

    You have not provided copy constructor like BigA (const BigA & biga), so the default copy constructor is being invoked. It does sequential member initialization of A data1; and then A& data2;

    The first member is initialized by copying data1 field of your unnamed object, thus copy constructor of A is being called. What it is printed here is explained above (see: A new A object is created by its own copy constructor...)

    I am copy constructing an A1
    I am constructing an A2 with: 20
    I am constructing an A3
    I am copy constructing an A

    Then, get method runs with index == 2

    A get(int index) {
            if (index == 1)
                return data1;
                return data2; // <--- this line is executed

    data2 is A&, and the method returns A, this leads to A copy constructor execution.

    I am copy constructing an A1
    I am constructing an A2 with: 20
    I am constructing an A3
    I am copy constructing an A

    At last, change runs

    void change() {

    and only a3.change() prints something:

    Nothing to change

    On program termination

    The destruction occurs in the reverse order, and the last created change'd object is destroyed at first.

    I am destroying an A
    I am destroying an A3
    I am destroying an A2 with: 400
    I am destroying an A1 with: 100

    I am destroying a BigA is printed twice, but I just constructed a BigA - only once. The latter is due to you have no copy constructor for BigA that takes const & BigA (it is also pointed out above).

    Answering your query

    void change() {
        A& rdata1 = data1;
        A cdata2 = data2;
    //in the main():

    Yes, you're right that the copy constructor would be called here A cdata2 = data2; because the object cdata2 is previously uninitialized. This is the case well explained under this ref.

    If you change the code like that

    A cdata2;
    cdata2 = data2;

    you would see the expected assignment:

    I am constructing an A1 with: 10
    I am constructing an A2 with: 20
    I am constructing an A3
    I am constructing an A
    I am performing a stupid assignment between As