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template meta-programming how to specialize on a collection

I have the following UtlSharedIPCWrapper template class that I created access a user defined type that is placed in inter-process memory.

Normally this class is used with a simple type for example:

// construct a FaultReport - default to no faults
auto faultWrapper = managed_shm.construct<

and this works well, however I recently had the need to use a boost shared memory map collection (boost::interprocess::map) as a template argument) as in:

using char_allocator = boost::interprocess::managed_shared_memory::allocator<char>::type;
using shm_string = boost::interprocess::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, char_allocator>;
using KeyType = shm_string;
using ValueType = std::pair<const KeyType, shm_string>;
using ShmemAllocator = boost::interprocess::allocator<ValueType, boost::interprocess::managed_shared_memory::segment_manager>;
using SharedMemoryMap = boost::interprocess::map<shm_string, shm_string, std::less<KeyType>, ShmemAllocator>;


// create a new shared memory segment 2K size
managed_shared_memory managed_shm(open_only, "sharedmemname");

//Initialize the shared memory STL-compatible allocator
ShmemAllocator alloc(managed_shm.get_segment_manager());

auto pSharedNVPairs = managed_shm.find<UtlSharedIPCWrapper<

my question is how can I change the template class definition below to pass collection::value types's as parameters instead of separately reading the entire map as one operation via pSharedNVPairs->getSharedData() updating the temporary map and writing it back to shared memory again via pSharedNVPairs->setSharedData(*pSharedNVPairs). I know that this will be different for types that are not collections and thefore some template metaprogramming magic will have to be performed that does selective enable if etc,., but I would like to have a method added to my class something along the lines of

// I don't know the correct signature here
void setSharedDataValue(const T::value_type& rSharedDataValue) {
    boost::interprocess::scoped_lock<upgradable_mutex_type> lock(mMutex);
    ... not sure what to do here to update the collection

template<typename T>
struct UtlSharedIPCWrapper {
    using upgradable_mutex_type = boost::interprocess::interprocess_upgradable_mutex;

    mutable upgradable_mutex_type mMutex;
    /*volatile*/ T mSharedData;
    // explicit constructor used to initialize directly from existing memory
    explicit UtlSharedIPCWrapper(const T& rInitialValue)
        : mSharedData(rInitialValue)

    T getSharedData() const {
        boost::interprocess::sharable_lock<upgradable_mutex_type> lock(mMutex);
        return mSharedData;

    void setSharedData(const T& rSharedData) {
        boost::interprocess::scoped_lock<upgradable_mutex_type> lock(mMutex);
        // update the shared data copy mapped - scoped locked used if exception thrown
        // a bit like the lock guard we normally use
        this->mSharedData = rSharedData;


  • Why not just

    // I don't know the correct signature here
    void setSharedDataValue(const typename T::value_type& rSharedDataValue)      {
        boost::interprocess::scoped_lock<upgradable_mutex_type> lock(mMutex);