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Controller that simulates spring:message tag?

I'm designing help/hint system for my webpage, I'd like to incoroporate jQuery based contextual help.

My idea is that I would post request on event and show given repsonse in special div or so.

I would like to get similiar behaviour as <spring:message> tag, post message code and get String representation on localized message. It would be great if it would use same resources.

Is there a way to call this tag from Controller? (there is Java code behind this tag) Or what's best way to mimick this tag controller-side?


  • Use ResourceBundleMessageSource to declare the messages and then autowire/inject to your controller.

    <bean id="messageSource" class=""            p:basename="messages"/>

    alternatively you can use util: properties to load a properties file.

    <util:properties id="jdbcConfiguration" location="classpath:com/foo/"/>

    then access this resource in your controller using the id.