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Github Jekyll site builds locally but ignores header tags online

this is a very curious Jekyll github issue that i can't figure out.

I have a repo here where i'm developing tutorials

If you go to it online, you'll notice that while there markdown posts in the _posts directory have headers as follows

#Header One
##Header Two

They do not render online. Instead notice that even the landing page:

Renders the top heading as

##Welcome to the NEON #WorkWithData Portal!

instead of

Welcome to the NEON #WorkWithData Portal!

Here is the most curious part - it renders FINE locally when i do "jekyll" build. I have tried

  1. Replacing all style sheets and template layout files
  2. rechecking the config file.
  3. recloning the repo from a different account on a different computer to see if the build rendered the heading tags using ## rather than using heading styles. It still rendered fine locally.

One other quirk - if you go to a lesson - for instance

notice that the line spacing in the code blocks is wide -The line spacing locally is LESS and looks much better. So someone the css is being partially ignored?

I am not sure what else to try to get things to render properly- or to render consistently between github online and a local build. Especially given I can not replicate the issue locally. Any guidance as to what else I can try to fix this render issue?

NOTE: This same repo skin is used in other repos and renders online JUST FINE. so this issue is specific to this particular repo.


Many thanks for ANY ideas. Leah


  • Thank you for the feedback. I wanted to post a solution to this issue after talking with GitHub. Github is migrating to Jekyll 3.0 as pointed out in the comments! (thank you!)

    This migration is impacting markdown - moving to a more strict version of Kramdown which does not render headers as

    #Header One Will render as a paragraph rather than a header

    instead if requires a space after the #

    # Header One Renders as a header (h1) tag

    In short, Kramdown used to accept #header syntax but no longer. I am noticing my repos where I have been using #Header syntax render incorrectly one by one. I don't have clarification on why it's impacting some and not all. I also am unclear as to why things render fine locally. The solution in short is - add a space after your # AND if your repos look fine now, be prepared for them to not render properly in the future.

    I hope this helps others dealing with migration issues! I am also having to adjust some of my code block styles for various reasons.