I have this two tables:
|id ¦status¦type ¦url |
|25949664 ¦80 ¦link ¦http://example.com/25949664 |
|25777570 ¦80 ¦photo¦http://example.com/25777570 |
║id ║attr ║value ║
║25949664 ║timestamp ║1430836105 ║
║25949664 ║tag ║red ║
║25949664 ║tag ║yellow ║
║25949664 ║tag ║brown ║
║25949664 ║source ║http://example.com/wallin/ ║
║25949664 ║source_title║wallin ║
║25949664 ║state ║published ║
║25949664 ║format ║html ║
║25777570 ║timestamp ║1430836105 ║
║25777570 ║tag ║red ║
║25777570 ║tag ║yellow ║
║25777570 ║tag ║brown ║
║25777570 ║tag ║black ║
║25777570 ║tag ║orange ║
Performing this query:
SELECT posts.id, GROUP_CONCAT(attributes.value) as tags
FROM posts
JOIN attributes ON attributes.id = posts.id
WHERE ( attributes.attr = 'tag' )
AND ( attributes.value IN ('red','brown') )
GROUP BY posts.id
HAVING COUNT(DISTINCT attributes.value) = 2
I have this result:
║id ║tags ║
║25949664 ║red,brown ║
║25777570 ║red,brown ║
I would rather have this:
║id ║tags ║
║25949664 ║red,yellow,brown ║
║25777570 ║red,yellow,brown,black,orange ║
Practically, having n tags, I would retrieve all post's tags performing only one query.
Anyone have a suggestion, or this is totally impossible?
SELECT posts.id, GROUP_CONCAT(attributes.value) as tags
FROM posts
JOIN attributes ON attributes.id = posts.id
WHERE ( attributes.attr = 'tag' )
AND ( attributes.value IN ('red','brown') )
GROUP BY posts.id
With the and condition, you only get the attributes red and brown. So you need to remove this and condition and rewrite that condition.
I think that this can help you:
SELECT posts.id, GROUP_CONCAT(attributes.value) as tags
FROM posts
JOIN attributes ON attributes.id = posts.id
WHERE ( attributes.attr = 'tag' )
GROUP BY posts.id
HAVING Find_In_Set('red',tags)>0 AND Find_In_Set('brown',tags)>0