I saw someone else had an issue at the same part over a year ago, but no answer was found.
I don't know what these last three steps need of me.
- Add a Site for your domain, matching settings.SITE_ID (django.contrib.sites app).
- For each OAuth based provider, add a Social App (socialaccount app).
- Fill in the site and the OAuth app credentials obtained from the provider.
Here are my questions:
What site do I need to add? I'm in development, and have no domain name, do I use my local
Second part asks for: (I don't know what to enter for any of these)
Third part asks for:
I looked for other instructions, or guides, but didn't find anything useful.
I am using Django 1.9 and Python 3.5.
If memory serves, django-allauth and python social auth are similar enough that this should still be useful
For hostname, you can do one of two things:
I would suggest picking one provider to start if memory serves, google was slightly pickier than twitter for my configuration; have not used facebook.
This is going to depend on the provider... for twitter, go to https://apps.twitter.com/ to register your app and therefore get the client id / secret key (and therefore add the site). For google, https://console.developers.google.com/projectselector/apis/credentials is your starting point to register your project and get the credentials
(Just saw comment, which obviates the part I spent time on, but hopefully point 1 at least is useful for that part of the question)