I am still "baking" my shell with these features so my question may not sound like "totally ready" ..its more of a "whats the best way to design this" as against something like "I ran into this error or this wont work..now what do I do ", so bear with me pl. while I explain
I am thinking of a shell program which can be run in 2 modes
myprogram date1 date2 date3 date4 # can go on indefinitely
myprogram -r date1 # Just 1 date para allowed
They are of course mutually exclusive myprogram date1 date2 date3 date4
is ok
myprogram -r date1 date2 date3 date4
is not because 1 only parameter is expected with -r
I am aware of getopts
offering a named parameter feature that can shift
through a bunch of options.
I have the standard mode ready & working and would like to "add" to the code to get the named parameter mode
In standard mode my code is patterned like
for args
stuff that I want done here
So here is what I am thinking for the named parameter mode logic
(When I use getopts and more that 1 positional parameters is used It should quit. )
With getopts allowing just 1 parameter, I am thinking of some like this
while getopts "r:" opt;
case statement of getopts
<stuff I want to do >
and for limiting positional paras to just 1 I should have something like this ?
[ "$#" -eq 2 ] || die " more than 1 para not expected here"
the 2 is because while i am in the while loop above , -r
is the 1st pos. para and 1 para is the variable one that gets in there. I have to do the checking within the loop because , I want it to fall through without anything being done if -r
option is not used , in which case I can have as many pos parameters as I need
So how do I cook this best- is what I am trying to understand.
Put the getopts
code 1st and then follow through with the positional parameter code ?
Sorry if I could be too specific in my question.
I don't always use getopts, but when I do, it looks something like this:
# Options
while getopts vr: opt; do
case "$opt" in
v) Verbose=true; vopt="-v" ;;
r) ropt=true; rarg="$OPTARG" ;;
*) usage; exit 1 ;;
shift $((OPTIND - 1))
if $ropt && [ $# -gt 0 ]; then
$Verbose && echo "Too many arguments. Bye." >&2
exit 1
elif $ropt; then
args=( "$rarg" )
args=( "$@" )
# then...
for thing in "$args"; do
... something with $thing ...
The first condition after the getopts loop controls whether you're running in multi-argument or single argument (-r
) mode. The subsequent else
s populate the $args
array, which you can then do whatever you like with later.