I have an NSArray with dictionaries that look like this:
count = 7;
week = 4;
count = 9;
week = 5;
How do I turn these dictionaries inside the NSArray into two arrays that look like this:
weeks = [4, 5]
count = [7, 9]
I have tried: let array = Array(arrayLiteral: results.valueForKey("month"))
But just get this back
Thank you
You can use flatMap and conditional cast it to Int to extract your dictionary values as follow:
let nsArray = NSArray(array: [["count":7,"week":4],["count":9,"week":5]])
let weeks = nsArray.flatMap{$0["week"] as? Int}
let count = nsArray.flatMap{$0["count"] as? Int}
print(weeks) // "[4, 5]"
print(count) // "[7, 9]"