I would like to use the Symbol.iterator for an enum to iterate over its values like this:
enum Color {red, green, blue}
Color[Symbol.iterator] = function*():Iterator<Color> {
yield Color.red;
yield Color.green;
yield Color.blue;
for (let color of Color){
But this does not work. What will work? Most important for me is not having to change the for/of line.
The error I got on the for/of line: TS2488: Type must have a 'Symbol.iterator' method that returns an iterator.
The closest I can get is:
enum Color {red, green, blue}
module Color
export function* Values()
yield Color.red;
yield Color.green;
yield Color.blue;
for (let color of Color.Values())
Although it does slightly modifies your for/of loop. Hopefully it will be of any help to you.