Search code examples

Trying to make word search program in C

Given an input dictionary read in from a file to use for all test cases, and several word search grids, i want to identify all words from the dictionary that appear in each word search grid.

I have read in the dictionary.txt file and I believe it can read in any grid of letters, I am having trouble trying to find the words in the grid that appear in the dictionary.txt file. I decided to use a recursive binary search on the string of characters going in all directions but it is a bit complicated for me.

My program runs until it gets to the word searching function where it tries to find the words in the grid and it'll crash but I dont know why and not sure if i am on the right track.

here is the piece i think is wrong,

int binsearch(char** dictionary, char** puzzle, int low, int high){

int mid;

if(low == 0 && high == 0){
    return 0;

mid = (low+high)/2 ;

if(strcmp(*puzzle,dictionary[mid]) == 0){
        //found a match
    return 1;

else if(strcmp(*puzzle,dictionary[mid]) > 0){
        //check upper half
    return binsearch(dictionary,puzzle,mid+1,high);

else if(strcmp(*puzzle,dictionary[mid]) < 0){
    //check lower half
    return binsearch(dictionary,puzzle,low,mid-1);
else return 0;


char wordSearch(char** dictionary, char** puzzle, int row, int col){

int i, X, Y, dir = 0;
char* wordsfound[20]= {'\0'};
for (X=0;X<row+1;X++){
        for(dir=0;dir<DX_SIZE;dir++) //check every direction
                //will continue in direction DX,DY starting at x,y
                int nextX = X + DX[dir] * i;
                int nextY = Y + DY[dir] * i;
                if(nextX < 0 || nextX >= row) break; //keep in bounds
                if(nextY < 0 || nextY >= col) break;
                //store the string of letters
                *wordsfound[i] = (puzzle[nextX][nextY]);
                if(i>2){ //minimum word is 3
                //if the string of letters is actually a word, print
                    int bin = binsearch(dictionary,wordsfound,1,listlength);


but here is my entire code

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#define listlength 149256
#define maxWordLen 19

char** getWords(int rows, int cols);
void freeArray(char** array, int rows);
char** makeGridArray(int rows, int cols);
int binsearch(char** dictionary, char** puzzle, int low, int high);
char wordSearch(char** dictionary, char** puzzle, int row, int col);
const int DX_SIZE = 8;
const int DX[] = {-1,-1,-1,0,0,1,1,1};
const int DY[] = {-1,0,1,-1,1,-1,0,1};

int main(){

    //read in dictionary
    int i,j,x=0, numCases, gridRow, gridCol;
    char** words = getWords(listlength, maxWordLen);

    //Get number of cases.

    printf("enter number of cases:\n");
    scanf("%d", &numCases);

    //process each case.

    while(x < numCases){


        //make word search grid
        char** grid = makeGridArray(gridRow+1, gridCol);

        /* for testing if grid is storing properly

        for(i=0; i<gridRow+1;i++){

        printf("Words Found Grid #%d:",x+1);
        wordSearch(words, grid, gridRow+1, gridCol);
    freeArray(words, listlength);


char** getWords(int rows, int cols){

    int i;

    //allocate top level of pointers.
    char** words = malloc(sizeof(char*)*rows);

    //allocate each individual array
    for(i=0; i<rows; i++){
        words[i] = malloc(sizeof(char)*cols+1);

    //read dictionary.txt
    FILE *dictionary = fopen("dictionary.txt", "r");
    for(i=0; i<rows; i++){
        fgets(words[i], cols+1,dictionary);

    return words;

char** makeGridArray(int rows, int cols){

    //allocate top level of pointers.
    char** grid = malloc(sizeof(char*)*rows);
    int i,j;

    //allocate each individual array
    for(i=0; i<rows;i++){
        grid[i] = malloc(sizeof(char)*cols+1);
    //read in user input grid
    return grid;

int binsearch(char** dictionary, char** puzzle, int low, int high){

    int mid;

    if(low == 0 && high == 0){
        return 0;

    mid = (low+high)/2 ;

    if(strcmp(*puzzle,dictionary[mid]) == 0){
            //found a match
        return 1;

    else if(strcmp(*puzzle,dictionary[mid]) > 0){
            //check upper half
        return binsearch(dictionary,puzzle,mid+1,high);

    else if(strcmp(*puzzle,dictionary[mid]) < 0){
        //check lower half
        return binsearch(dictionary,puzzle,low,mid-1);
    else return 0;


char wordSearch(char** dictionary, char** puzzle, int row, int col){

    int i, X, Y, dir = 0;
    char* wordsfound[20]= {'\0'};
    for (X=0;X<row+1;X++){
            for(dir=0;dir<DX_SIZE;dir++) //check every direction
                    //will continue in direction DX,DY starting at x,y
                    int nextX = X + DX[dir] * i;
                    int nextY = Y + DY[dir] * i;
                    if(nextX < 0 || nextX >= row) break; //keep in bounds
                    if(nextY < 0 || nextY >= col) break;
                    //store the string of letters
                    *wordsfound[i] = (puzzle[nextX][nextY]);
                    if(i>2){ //minimum word is 3
                    //if the string of letters is actually a word, print
                        int bin = binsearch(dictionary,wordsfound,1,listlength);


void freeArray(char** array, int rows){
    //free arrays
    int i;
    for(i=0; i<rows; i++){


  • Here:

        char* wordsfound[20]= {'\0'};
        for (X=0;X<row+1;X++){
                for(dir=0;dir<DX_SIZE;dir++) //check every direction
                        *wordsfound[i] = (puzzle[nextX][nextY]);

    Should be:

        char wordsfound[20]= {'\0'};                    /* not 20 pointers! */
        for (X=0;X<row+1;X++){
                for(dir=0;dir<DX_SIZE;dir++) //check every direction
                        wordsfound[i] = (puzzle[nextX][nextY]);   /* no '*' */
                        wordsfound[i+1] = '\0';           /* end the string */

    Also, in your binsearch function when you go to check the upper half or the lower half, you need to make sure that mid+1 and mid-1 respectively are still valid indexes into the array. If you access elements that are outside the array bounds, bad things are waiting to bite you.

    For example, if low = 0 and high = 1:

    mid = (low+high)/2 ;       /* this is zero */

    so you compare with the array element 0 and decide you need to look in the lower half, now you call with low as mid-1 which is -1. Oh noes!