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cocos2d-x & android loading files from the assets folder

I have a bunch of plist files in the assets/plist/ folder and I am trying to load these files to validate their hashes.

what happens is that the following code fails for me

const char *fullPath = cocos2d::CCFileUtils::sharedFileUtils()->fullPathForFilename(name).c_str();
std::ifstream ifs(fullPath, std::ios::binary);
std::vector<char> str((std::istreambuf_iterator<char>(ifs)), std::istreambuf_iterator<char>());

The returned char array is always empty.

Trying to open the same file with fopen also results in a null pointer for the file handle.

I have verified that the full path is assets/plists/file.plist and that the file.plist exists in the assets/plist folder.

What am I doing wrong here?


  • FileUtils->getInstance()->getFileData was the way for me to go as well for reading asset resources. I wrapped this in a utility function when reading text files:

        #include "cocos2d.h"
        #include <iosfwd>
        #include <sstream>
        #include <memory>
        namespace FileUtil
            using ResourceStream = std::basic_istringstream<char>;
            bool readResourceFile(std::shared_ptr<ResourceStream>& stream,const std::string& filename);
            bool readResourceFile(std::shared_ptr<ResourceStream>& stream,const std::string& filename)
                // Note: Returned data allocated by "malloc" so must free when copy to string stream
                CCLOG("FileUtil::readResourceFile - Attempting to read resource file %s",filename.c_str());
                ssize_t size = 0;
                char* data = reinterpret_cast<char*>(FileUtils::getInstance()->getFileData(filename, "r", &size));
                if(!data || size == 0)
                    CCLOG("FileUtil::readResourceFile - unable to read filename %s - size was %lu",filename.c_str(),size);
                    return false;
                CCLOG("FileUtil::readResourceFile - Read %lu bytes from resource file %s",size,filename.c_str());
                std::string stringData(data);
                // release since we've copied to string
                stream.reset(new std::istringstream(stringData));
                return true;