I'm wanting to preg_match the following URIs. Note usernames are: [\w]{1,15}
I want these to fail
The username is mandatory, so the preg_match should work if just a username is given, and then check if anything after is either foo
or bar
preg_match('{^\/([\w]+){1,15}/{/foo|/bar}?$}', $uriString)
You can probably tell my preg_match fails. How may I fix this?
Use parentheses to specify a group of alternatives;
Curly braces are only used to limit repetition {min,max}
==> DEMO
Above, we allow \w
1 up to 15 times (\w
matches any word character [a-zA-Z0-9_])
Followed by either \/foo
or \/bar
and $
specify the start and the end of the string, meaning that the regex must match the full string not only a part of it
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