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How to scroll all sheets together (or other ~3D-like ideas)

I would like a "3D" spreadsheet, with the aim of having main entries in the normal 2D cells and then (potentially just-as-important) entries in a third dimension above each cell. This is what the multiple sheets already allow for, the problem is that I cannot easily see all the 3rd dimension cells at once.

I was first hoping to find some sophisticated method of using actual 3D sheets but with no luck so far. I realised that if I could only make sure the other sheets would line up with my first sheet then that would be good enough, so I could "scroll" along the third dimension by switching between sheets.

So, is there any way to scroll all the sheets together?

Such that if I scroll down on sheet 1 to see cell 123 A, when I switch to sheet 2, cell 123 A is in the same position on the screen, and so on for sheets 3 and up.

If this is impossible but anyone has suggestions for a different solution (even using a different program (on Linux)) that would be great.


  • Here is a complete working solution in OpenOffice Basic:

    Global OldSheet As Object
    Global HandlingActivationEvent As Boolean
    Sub RegisterMyActivationEventListener
        oListener = CreateUnoListener( _
            "ActivListener_", "" )
        oController = ThisComponent.CurrentController
        OldSheet = oController.ActiveSheet
        HandlingActivationEvent = False
        MsgBox "Now Listening"
    End Sub
    Sub ActivListener_activeSpreadsheetChanged( oEvent )
        If HandlingActivationEvent Then
            Exit Sub
        End If
        HandlingActivationEvent = True
        oController = ThisComponent.CurrentController
        newSheet = oController.ActiveSheet
        col = oController.getFirstVisibleColumn()
        row = oController.getFirstVisibleRow()
        'MsgBox col & ", " & row
        OldSheet = newSheet
        HandlingActivationEvent = False
    End Sub

    To make it work, go to Tools -> Customize. In the Events tab, assign RegisterMyActivationEventListener to the Open Document event.

    Explanation of the code:

    Instead of scrolling the sheets at the same time, it just scrolls to the appropriate cell whenever a different sheet is activated. It uses the XViewPane interface to see where the previous sheet is scrolled, and scrolls the next sheet to that same spot.

    To find out when a sheet gets activated, the code uses an event listener for the XActivationEventListener interface.