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How to create docker container with custom root volume size?

I have hit a limit of 10Gb for default root volume size. For this particular container I need a larger size.

So far I've seen quite dirty hacks to override default size.

Could somebody provide me and the community with a clear example of specifying bigger volume size upon container creation? Thanks!


  • I'm going to offer an alternative suggestion - don't. Stop and ask yourself why you need a larger root volume. I would suggest it's likely to be because you're doing something that can be done a better way.

    I would suggest that instead - you use a storage container (if another 10G would be sufficient) or use a passthrough mount to a local disk.

    The problem with big containers is they're somewhat at odds with what containerisation is trying to accomplish - compact, lightweight and self contained program instances.

    So I would suggest instead:

    docker create -v /path/to/storage:/container_mount --name storage_for_my_app /bin/true

    (Or you can just -v /container_mount to keep the data within the container)

    Then when you fire up your container:

    docker run -d --volumes-from storage_for_my_app your_image

    However it may be useful to note - as of Docker 1.9, the size limit is 100G instead: