I am using ABCpdf, and simply cannot obtain the title or author of a document programmatically. Cannot seem to find any good examples on WebSupergoo's site! Must be a simple issue.
Doc d = new Doc();
var y = d.GetInfo(d.Root, "/Title:Text");
var x = d.GetInfo(d.Root, "/publicfilePath:Text");
OK very very simple in the end.
This is how I am adding the information
int theID = doc.AddObject("<< >>");
doc.SetInfo(-1, "/Info:Ref", theID.ToString());
publicPath = base.GetPublicSavePath(FilePrefix);
doc.SetInfo(theID, "/Title:Text", "here is where the title goes");
doc.SetInfo(theID, "/Author:Text", "WebSupergoo");
doc.SetInfo(theID, "/publicfilePath:Text", publicPath);
This is how I need to obtain it
var a = d.GetInfo(-1, "/Info/publicfilePath");
var b = d.GetInfo(-1, "/Info/Title");