I spent too much time trying to deal with the problem on my own, maybe someone here is able to help me. I am building a larger django app but removed everything except the code that highlights the problem.
I define two custom template tags:
register = template.Library()
def render_event_tile(event):
return {'event':event}
def get_item(dictionary, key):
return dictionary.get(key)
with linked html edb/templatetags/event_tile.html:
<h5> RENDER: {{ event.name }} </h5>
I serve the request through edb/views.py:
def my_view(request):
events = Event.objects.all()
myevent = events[0]
sorted_events = {'mykey': myevent}
return render(request, "edb/using_tags.html", {'sorted_events':sorted_events, 'event':myevent})
and finally edb/using_tags.html:
{% load edb_extra %}
<!doctype html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<div class="main-panel">
{% render_event_tile event %}
{{ sorted_events|get_item:'mykey' }}
This code produces following error message when processed the first time after django dev server is restarted:
TemplateSyntaxError at en/edb/using_tags
Invalid filter: 'get_item'
When I hit the browser back button and repeat the request it works fine. It also works fine for all the subsequent requests until the server needs to be restarted (e.g. I change the view code).
Furthermore, if I remove {{ sorted_events|get_item:'mykey' }}
, everything works fine from the very beginning so it seems that edb_extra.py is being correctly processed on time. But somehow inclusion_tag is being registered while filter is not.
Try to use the register
template library in your decorator:
def get_item(dictionary, key):
return dictionary.get(key)