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How to use SqlCommand to CREATE DATABASE with parameterized db name?

To put it short. I've got two simple helpers:

    private SqlCommand CreateCommand(string text)
        SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand();
        cmd.Connection = connection;
        cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
        cmd.CommandText = text;
        return cmd;

    void SetParameter(SqlCommand cmd, string p, string dbName)
        cmd.Parameters.Add(p, SqlDbType.NVarChar);
        cmd.Parameters[p].Value = dbName;

This executes OK:

var cmd = CreateCommand("CREATE DATABASE Demo "+
            @"ON (FILENAME = N'c:\demo_data.mdf') "+ 
            @"LOG ON (FILENAME = N'c:\demo_data.mdf.LDF') "+
            "FOR ATTACH " +

But this doesn't:

string dataBaseAttachText = "CREATE DATABASE @dbname " +
                              "ON (FILENAME = @filename) " +
                              "LOG ON (FILENAME = @filenamelog) " +
                              "FOR ATTACH GO";
var cmd = CreateCommand(dataBaseAttachText);

SetParameter(cmd, "@dbname", "Demo");
SetParameter(cmd, "@filename", @"c:\demo_data.mdf");
SetParameter(cmd, "@filenamelog", @"c:\demo_data.mdf.LDF");




  • Parameters are supported for DML operations not DDL operations, there are no execution plans for DDL operations. you will need to use dynamic SQL

    DDL = Data Definition Language (create, drop, alter....)

    DML = Data Manipulation Language (select, update, delete, insert)