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Gio SimpleAction to call a function

I have made menu using Gio action in a Gtk3 app. The menu item is created as:

#in main file
MenuElem = menu.MenuManager
# Open Menu
action = Gio.SimpleAction(name="open")
action.connect("activate", MenuElem.file_open_clicked)

The file_open_clicked is in, class MenuManager, defined as:

import gi
import pybib
import view
gi.require_version("Gtk", "3.0")
from gi.repository import Gtk

class MenuManager:
    def __init__(self):
        self.parsing = pybib.parser()
        self.TreeView = view.treeview()
    def file_open_clicked(self, widget):
        dialog = Gtk.FileChooserDialog("Open an existing fine", None,
                                        Gtk.STOCK_OPEN, Gtk.ResponseType.OK))
        response =
        if response == Gtk.ResponseType.OK:
            filename = dialog.get_filename()
            # self.TreeView.view.set_model()
        elif response == Gtk.ResponseType.CANCEL:
            print("Cancel clicked")

I am getting error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/rudra/Devel/mkbib/Python/src/", line 81, in file_open_clicked
AttributeError: 'SimpleAction' object has no attribute 'TreeView'

I know SimpleAction takes one more option, and TreeView should be called. But I dont know how. Kindly help


  • Let me break down your code for you.

    #in main file
    MenuElem = menu.MenuManager

    Here you set MenuElem to point to menu.MenuManager class. Probably you meant to initialize the object here such that MenuElem become an instance of the menu.MenuManagerclass. Such that the __init__ function of the MenuManager class was called. Thus the code should be:

    #in main file
    MenuElem = menu.MenuManager()

    Then the next part where something goes wrong is in here:

    def file_open_clicked(self, widget):

    If we check the docs for the activate signal we see that it has 2 parameters. So currently without initializing the object self is set to the first parameter namely the SimpleAction and the widget is set to the activation parameter.

    But as we now have initialized the MenuManager object, the file_open_clicked function will get 3 input parameters namely self, SimpleAction and parameter. Thus we need to accept them all like this:

    def file_open_clicked(self, simpleAction, parameter):

    Now the code will work as self is actually an object with the attribute TreeView. (Just for your information in Python variables and attributes are normally written in lowercase)