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WebSocket WS SSL

I'm using Google App Engine/Managed VMs to develop a nodeJS application using web sockets.

As part of the app, the front end needs to connect using Websockets e.g.

connection = new WebSocket('wss://');

The bit that I'm struggling with is how to ensure that the SSL part works. My current code to start the WebSocketServer is:

var WebSocketServer = require('ws').Server;

var wss = new WebSocketServer({port:3001});

but this only creates a standard server (ie ws://

My question is, using WebSocketServer, how do I create a WebSocketServer for use with SSL?


  • Using secure WebSockets requires an SSL cert, and using a self-signed cert is an option. There is a tutorial which may be useful for getting this set up.

    Using WebSockets on Managed VMs may present other problems though due to port forwarding issues from the frontend. There is a public issue which details this as well as another question on Stack Overflow. You may need to use full Compute Engine instances instead of Managed VMs as a workaround.