I know that encapsulation of javascript is not part of the web component W3C spec but, what are some strategies for avoiding global namespace pollution with Polymer?
For example, if I include <script src="./jquery.js"></script>
in my Polymer component then $
leaks into the the host page's window object. This is very problematic for me as I am using Polymer in a chrome extension.
One way might be to make a jquery-api.html
like this:
<script src="[path.to]jquery.js"></script>
(function() {
// make local $
var $ = window.$;
// kill globals
// make $ available via custom-element registry
is: 'jquery-api',
get $() {
return $;
Then you could use it anywhere you need to like this:
<link rel="import" href="jquery-api.html">
(function() {
var $ = document.createElement('jquery-api').$;
is: 'jquery-user'
/* can use $ in here */