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Disable reloading in Grails 3.1 / springloaded

I'm trying to disable automatic reload/recompiling in Grails 3.1 as I would like to use JRebel instead. I find springloaded rather limited, but more importantly is constantly fails with

File /Users/engrun/Development/projects/grailsPoc/grails-app/controllers/grailsPoc/HelloController.groovy changed, recompiling...
java.lang.IllegalAccessException: Class org.springsource.loaded.ReloadableType can not access a member of class org.springframework.aop.framework.CglibAopProxy$ClassLoaderAwareUndeclaredThrowableStrategy with modifiers "public"

I have tried all kinds of settings that I have found available, however, none actually disables reloading when running the run-app command

I have tried

on command line, GRAILS_OPTS, and in application.yml

I have tried the


flag, both on command line and GRAILS_OPTS.

According to docs, this should have worked

And the answer accepted as the correct one here how can I disable reloading in a grails 3.0.0 app? does not work either.

Have anyone actually succeeded in disabling auto-reloading in Grails 3.1? (And successfully configured Grails 3 with JRebel?)


  • In 3.x apps you can disable Spring Loaded by adding

    grails {
       agent {
          enabled = false

    to build.gradle.