Long story short, let's assume I have a field in a column called 'whyisthisalist' from 'table' which contains:
How would I extract the text between example1 and example2, given that example2 isn't always there because it could also look like this:
It should return "hereistext" if everything goes well.
My idea so far:
$sql = "SELECT SUBSTRING(LEFT(whyisthisalist, LOCATE('\";', whyisthisalist) +0), LOCATE('example1:\"', whyisthisalist) +0, 100)
FROM table
WHERE LOCATE('\";', whyisthisalist) > 0
AND LOCATE('example1:\"', whyisthisalist) > 0 ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1";
What needs to be done/doesn't work: I need to get the NEXT occuring "; AFTER the previous located string. Is this even possible? Or is there any other workaround? I'd be glad about some help.
The following regex will get you everything from the first colon to the first semi-colon:
Simplifying your query like this:
SELECT `whyisthisalist` REGEXP '\:([^;]*)'
FROM `table`
MySQL Pattern Matching
You can also use lookahead's and lookbehind's for the regex: