I'm writing a script to export data from mysql to excel using Node.JS and alasql. I can see examples in doing this.
var mystyle = {
column: {style:{Font:{Bold:"1"}}},
rows: {1:{style:{Font:{Color:"#FF0077"}}}},
cells: {1:{1:{
style: {Font:{Color:"#00FFFF"}}
alasql('SELECT * INTO XLSXML("restest280b.xls",?) FROM ?',[mystyle,data]);
However, there is no documentation about what the variable data
is and how I should construct it, particular in my case using recordset from mysql?
conn.query(SQL, function(err, rows, fields) {
ALASQL('SELECT * INTO XLSXML("restest280b.xlsx",?) FROM ?',[mystyle,rows]);
I tried to use mysql recordset directly. It wrote a file but can't be opened in excel.
Here data
is a array or JSON objects, for example:
var rows = [{a:1, b:10, c:'One'}, {a:2, b:20, c:'Two'} ];
alasql('SELECT * INTO XLSXML("restest280b.xlsx",?) FROM ?',[mystyle,rows]);
If you use node-mysql package, your code should work.
XLSXML() function generates XML file, and usually Windows version of MS Excel produce a warning. You can aliminate it if you will use XLSX() function with js-xlsx library:
var rows = [{a:1, b:10, c:'One'}, {a:2, b:20, c:'Two'} ];
alasql('SELECT * INTO XLSX("restest280b.xlsx") FROM ?',[rows]);