I have a DataGridView with a column where the user can insert double. I have to control the cell value before i insert in my database because the table have a number(10,2) datatype for this field.
My current code :
Dim length As Integer = Nothing
Dim row As Integer = DTG.CurrentCell.RowIndex
Dim column As Integer = DTG.CurrentCell.ColumnIndex()
With DTG(row).Cells(column)
length = Len(.Value)
If Not IsNothing(.Value) Then
If Not IsNumeric(.Value) Then
.Value = 0
End If
If length > 10 Then
.Value = .Value.SubString(0, 10)
If .Value.Contains(".") Then
.Value = .Value.SubString(0, 9)
End If
End If
End If
End With
The length method is not appropriate here, because if my cell contains ".", the length increases.
Examples :
1234567891 => length = 10 => insert : 1234567891
123456789.1 => length = 11 => insert : 123456789
In the 2nd case, i need to insert 123456789.1
Can someone advise me ? Thank you
I finally decided to work with the cell value.
If .Value > 99999999.99 Then
.Value = Convert.ToDouble(.Value.SubString(0, 8))
End If
I changed the style format to "N2", so the user can't write more than 2 decimals :
.ValueType = GetType(Double)
.Style.Format = "N2"
I also found another way to do this, i could format my column like a masked textbox. I'll try this solution later.
The previous answer is pretty bad but it had helped me for a while. I found a better way to handle my problem. I created a function that check the number of digits before the decimal, and if the length is higher than 8, its return False
Public Function numberDigitsBeforeDecimal(ByVal montant As Double) As Boolean
Dim beforeDigit As String = montant.ToString.Substring(0, montant.ToString.IndexOf("."))
If beforeDigit.Length > 8 Then
Return False
Return True
End If
End Function