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install_name_tool difference between -change and -id

I have been struggling with this concept for a while and I cannot really understand what the difference is between -change and -id.The man page states

 -id name
              Changes  the  shared  library identification name of a dynamic shared library to name.  If the Mach-O binary is not a dynamic
              shared library and the -id option is specified it is ignored.

-change old new
              Changes  the dependent shared library install name old to new in the specified Mach-O binary.  More than one of these options
              can be specified.  If the Mach-O binary does not contain the old install name in a specified -change  option  the  option  is

So far I have experimented with -change. Suppose I have the following structure

    |   |_test -----> item A
        |_test_library.dylib     --->item B
        |_another_library.dylib  --->item C

Now suppose I ran the following on itemB

$ otool -L test_library.dylib
   /some/path/another_library.dylib  -->item D

The above result indicates that test_library.dylib depends on another_library.dylib now if I needed to change the location of another_library.dylib I would do this

install_name_tool -change /some/path/another_library.dylib some/new/path/another_library.dylib  test_library.dylib 

this would change the location of item D. My question is what does install-name_tool -id do and when do I use that ?


  • Install Name

    The term install name refers to the exact path of the .dylib file in the end-user system so the runtime linker can find and load the dynamic library.

    The name can be either:

    • Absolute, which is the case for system libraries. These are in the same place on both the end-user's and developer's system.
    • Relative, which is the case of libraries bundled with apps. On the end-user's system the .dylib will be embedded in the app bundle and on the developer system they will be either pre-built in /usr/local, /opt/local or somewhere else, or they will be built from source as part of the app build.

    The latter is the main problem as when the .dylib is built, its install name is stamped into the .dylib by the linker and that's where it's expected to be found and loaded from at runtime. Obviously this won't work on the end-user system as that path only exists on the developer's system, so the solution is to use install_name_tool to modify the install name of the libraries, and executables that reference those libraries, when putting the app bundle together.


    As executables/app bundles can be installed in different places on the end-user system you can use a placeholder system to abstract the install name location:

    • @executable_path: The full path of the main executable.
    • @loader_path: The full path of the referencing executable or .dylib.
    • @rpath: The RPATH set in the main executable. This can also be changed using install_name_tool.

    So for example in a macOS app bundle the executable would be in and libraries would be in so you would want to reference the libraries using the path @executable_path/../Frameworks/Library.dylib.

    It's better to set RPATH of the main executable to @executable_path/../Frameworks however, and refer to the libraries using @rpath/Library.dylib.


    install_name_tool has two main options:

    -id: This sets the install name of the .dylib file itself and will be used as the prototype install name from that point forward when something links with the .dylib. You could "correct" the install name immediately after building the .dylib, however that's an unusual workflow as how would a library know about the environment of whatever is using it?

    -change: This changes the install name of a .dylib within a referencing executable (or dylib).

    What happens when the -id name doesn't match the .dylibs location on disk? Nothing. The -change option is the important one to get right as once the runtime linker has found the .dylib then that's mission accomplished.

    Why have an -id name at all? Surely if the linker is told to look for libraries in dirA, dirB, dirC (using -L for example) and it finds the library it's looking for then why does the library itself have to have its -id stamped into it? No idea; it's probably some archaic nonsense.


    You would obviously script all this fixing-up as part of the build process, wouldn't you, and I've done that and published it here . See the for details of how to configure it within Xcode.