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Update path of file in carrerwave S3

I have a Document model with a file that is uploaded to S3 using Carrierwave(fog) with my uploader (mount_uploader :file, DocumentUploader). I am also using the 'paranoia' gem's acts_as_paranoid to soft delete the documents. Upon destroy I wish to move the attached file to an 'archive' folder in the same directory. Then I plan on moving it back to the original(parent) directory when a deleted document is restored.

I have the following in my model:

skip_callback :commit, :after, :remove_file!
before_destroy :move_file_to_archive
after_restore :fetch_file_from_archive

And within the method move_file_to_archive, I establish a connection to amazon using fog and do the following to move the file to archive:

bucket = connection.directories.get(bucket_name)
file = bucket.files.get(self.file.file.path)
new_path = file.key.split('/')[0..-2].join('/') + '/archive/' + file.key.split('/')[-1]
new_file = file.copy(bucket_name,  new_path)

The problem is that I cannot find a way to get my document object to point to the new(archived) file instead of the old one. Somehow, when the object is being destroyed, I want the self.file.path to change to the archived path instead of the original path. And then revert it when the document is being restored. Any help would be appreciated!


  • Got it to work myself. I added a condition to my DocumentUploader to set the path to contain /archive/ in case the document had a value present in paranoia's deleted_at field. Just doing that makes carrierwave look at the archive path if the document is currently in deleted state.