i have a c problem can any one help me . i wrote a code of process creation in c language , it uses pid & fork() call. the fork call is use for making child process now can any body tell me how to make parent process? i know that creating a child in process make the process parent automatically but i want to make a parent process right from the start so can any one tell me how to do this, Secondly i just create the process i don't know how to use it i cant assign any work(computation) to it.so can any one tell me how to use the process for work?
Third one i want to give a name to my process how can i do it & how i can control their execution? please if anyone can enlighten me than please help me to understand all this. i shall be thank full for this forever thanks in advance
Secondly i just create the process i don't know how to use it i cant assign any
work(computation) to it
You need to use fork and exec in pair make it run the program you want to execute. Here is the wiki link for more information.
Fork-exec is a commonly used technique in Unix whereby an executing process spawns a new program. fork() is the name of the system call that the parent process uses to "divide" itself ("fork") into two identical processes. After calling fork(), the created child process is actually an exact copy of the parent - which would probably be of limited use - so it replaces itself with another process using the system call exec().